Photo © Morgan Maassen

Issue 12 features


Of all the modes in surfing, bodysurfing is akin to eating your food with your fingers. The truth is that it is still how the majority of us bask in the ocean. 


The Human Side of the Ocean 

There is no remote corner of the earth a ship has reached that has not been christened with the name of a sea. 


Hawaii. Last Call

Paul Theroux, the father of modern travel literature, from the kayak in the Pacific to the waves of Oahu. Like in his new book. 



The last outpost in the Cyclades, an enchanted place lying outside the Grand Tour of the archipelago. 


Giacomo De Stefano. Nomad with Oars 

With a boat a little over five metres long, he sailed along the rivers from London to Istanbul. We met in Venice, to talk about the Sami and his new project on the island of Skorpa, in the northernmost part of Norway. 


The Art of Japanese Swimming 

Ancient knowledge for a different way of moving in the water.


Sakamoto’s Swim Club 

The story of Soichi Sakamoto and his swimmers, the ‘fairy tale’ of Maui. 


Among the Sailors of Île-à-Vache 

A schooner carrying a precious cargo of old disused sails and rigging lands on a small island off the coast of Haiti. 


Siargao. Water Play 

Where the air sometimes feels denser than the sea, the only thing to do is give over to the sensuality of salt water. 

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